GymBody Membership
Take your body to the next level, Get faster results.
What’s Included
Fat Reduce, Muscle Building & Skin Tightening
Treatment is used for strengthening and re-education of muscles through the interaction of the magnetic field and the tissue of the individual. The intense muscle contractions cause a reduction in fat, and increase of muscle fiber development which builds the muscle and creates a lift and filling effect on the buttocks. EMSCULPT, when used on the abdomen, is slightly different.
Radio Frequency (RT) treatment that target and reduces fat cells on the body with no downtime (can also be applied to the under chin). RT delivers controlled, yet comfortable, doses of therapeutic heat to a chosen target zone. Radio frequency (RF) is a type of energy, delivered by heat, that passes through even the natural resistance of fatty tissue.
Thermal skin rejuvenation that promotes skin collagen and tightening. Stimulates contracture of loose or sagging skin (can also be used for face.) As the heat rises, the skin’s elasticity will begin to work properly and instantly regain firmness.
a 2 in 1, non-surgical alternative to liposuction. radio frequency based procedure with a heated massage suction to tighten the skin and remove fat.
BLean Program
Customized Calorie Count, Prescribed Appetite Suppression Treatment, Weekly Check-in with Clinician with Vitamin Injections.
Exclusive pricing
PDO Body Threads, B Sculpt, Morpheus, Radiesse, Laser Hair Removal and 10% off all skin-care products.
How the membership works
To join, it there is not initial cost. You can even decide to join day of your booked body treatment (any services mentioned above) and redeem your first Monthly GymBody services.
Get one GymBody Services Each Month
Member Exclusive Pricing on all Body Services
10% off All Skin Care Products
Priority Booking
Complimentary BL Swag
Each month you get to choose and treat yourself from one of the 5 GymBody Services. You get a total of 12 services annually. If you decide to skip a month, you can roll over your ‘monthly’ to the next month. You also get member exclusive pricing on all other body services and treatments and 10% all skin-care products.
No Initial Fee to Join
*Recurring Membership Subscription
Receive one of the four body speciality treatments each month with your annual membership: EMSculpt, TruSculpt ID, Forma & Body Fx.
Members also receive discount pricing on other body services & treatments (including B-12 shots) and 10% off skincare products.
Membership FAQ’s
- Members receive exclusive pricing on services: Additional services on top of the GymBody Monthly services. EMSculpt, TruSculpt, Body FX, Forma, Weight loss Program Morpheus8, B-Sculpt
-10% off all skincare products
-Priority booking
-Complimentary BL Swag
There is no initial sign-up fee to join membership. Only pay a reoccurring fee of $250/month.
Members receive exclusive pricing on body services. Discounts on EMSculpt, TruSculpt, B-Sculpt, Body PDO Threads, BodyFX, Forma, Morpheus 8, Qwo. Price list is provided upon joining.
Unfortunately we can not place the membership on hold and skip a monthly billing cycle.
Members who skip a GymBody Monthly service can carry over the ‘GymBody Monthly’ service to the next month and redeem two GymBody Monthly services in one month. *Members can only carry over two missed GymBody Monthly services.
No ‘GymBody Monthly’ services are for only the membership holder and can not be passed on to family or friends.
If you wish to cancel prior to the annual commitment, member needs to submit a letter via email informing us the reason for cancelation. As well as pay any additional fees to close out the membership. Please refer to our cancellation policy for further details.
No member benefits (listed above) are for members only and can not be extended to friends or family.
Member can only carry over 2 GymBody Monthly services. Any GymBody Monthly services that were missed can not be made up, exchanged for credit or any services or products.
Member can cancel after the 12-month commitment. If member chooses to cancel before, They are responsible for paying for paying the difference amount of the none-member regular pricing of the total services redeemed before cancelling . If member decides to cancel after the first service is redeemed. The member is responsible to pay for the first service at regular price of $225. They must contact Beauty Lounge Member Services via email to cancel their membership or gift membership to someone else. Memberships cannot be cancelled by phone or during service appointments.
There are no refunds for missed GymBody Monthly services.
Terms & Conditions
Recurring Charges - the GymBody Membership is a subscription membership and is a recurring membership subscription for 12-months. The member is charged based on the initial sign-up pricing offered. 2022 pricing is set at $250/month or one-time annual charge of $3,000.
• Billing information - We take Visa, Mastercard, Discover and Amex. Please make sure the expiration date is listed and that the card has not expired. If credit card needs to be updated. A new billing form has to be filled out by the member, approving and authorizing the new credit card information is approved for recurring billing.
• Signature – Customer is required to sign contract to confirm all the information provided is accurate and that they understand and agree to the policies of the club. If it is not signed, it is not a valid sign-up.
*** We cannot accept a membership where the person completing the form is not the cardholder.
Gift Membership – If the cardholder would like to purchase a gift membership for someone, check the gift membership box. They would need to check the box that says “gift membership”. Complete the gift recipient’s name, email, shipping address, phone number and birth date. This area must be completely filled in.
Cancellation Policy -The member can cancel after the 12-month commitment. If member chooses to cancel before, They are responsible for paying the difference amount of regular none-member pricing of the total services redeemed before cancelling. If member decides to cancel after the first service is redeemed. The member is responsible to pay for the first service at regular price of $225. They must contact Beauty Lounge Member Services via email to cancel their membership or gift membership to someone else. Memberships cannot be cancelled by phone or during service appointments.